Destructive pest could spread to all of China’s grain production in 12 months 毀滅性害蟲恐在12個月內蔓延到中國所有糧食產區
The devastating armyworm pest has already spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production and could soon affect the country’s entire crop, a new US government report said.
The voracious, inch-long fall armyworm, the larval form of the armyworm moth, can breed rapidly, spread great distances and is hugely difficult to eradicate.
It has a large impact on a wide range of crops, including important Chinese staples such as rice, soybeans and corn. According to the US report, it may have already spread to a range of southern Chinese provinces including Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan and Hainan.
The new pest comes as the Chinese government faces a number of daunting agricultural challenges. Every province in the country has now been affected by African swine fever virus, which is devastating the pork industry.