Ghost Month in Taiwan
Among the many activities that take place during Ghost Month, the Chiang Ku Festival is perhaps the most amazing. It is also known as “ghost grappling.” The event is held in both Yilan and Pingtung on the last day of Ghost Month. The main activity of the Chiang Ku Festival is a race to the top of a large tower.
在鬼月所進行的諸多活動當中,搶孤也許是最令人驚奇的一項。 這個盛事在英文中也稱為 ghost grappling(編按:有一說是搶孤為人 們扮演餓鬼搶食祭品以娛樂先靈而來,故另有此稱)。這個活動在鬼月 最後一天分別於宜蘭和屏東舉辦。搶孤的重頭戲就是比賽看誰能最快 爬上巨大高塔的頂端。
The tower to climb is called ku peng. The ku peng tower stands at a height of over 10 meters above the ground. The tower is supported by bamboo poles Teams of climbers must make their way up the poles. To make it more difficult, the poles are covered with animal grease. Luckily, climbers can use a short piece of rope as a climbing tool.
眾人須攀爬的高塔稱為「孤棚」。孤棚自地面聳立的高度有十多公 尺之高。這座高塔是由竹竿所支撐起。各攀登隊伍必須一路順著棚柱 往上爬。為了增加難度,柱子上塗滿了動物油脂。所幸攀爬者可運用 一條短繩作為攀登工具。
Each team includes five climbers. It takes teamwork to win the race. Because it’s very slippery, they have to climb over each other to reach the platform. Then, the one who grabs the flags and gold medals on the top will be the winner. It’s a fun event during Ghost Month, when people respect the climbers as well as the spirits.
每支隊伍有五位隊員。要贏得比賽需要仰賴團隊合作。由於棚柱 很滑,參賽者必須爬過彼此身上以到達孤棚平臺。接著,奪下孤棚頂 端旗幟和金牌的人就會取得優勝。搶孤是鬼月一項饒富趣味的活動, 在本月份大家對鬼魂和搶孤攀爬者都抱持著無比敬意。