


Judy幫老闆安排行程,喬了好久,終於約好了和海外客戶會面的時間。老闆最後說了一句:"It's a date!"

什麼dateJudy覺得很疑惑,這明明是個預約,怎麼會說datedate不都指約會嗎?It's a date! 千萬別理解成「這是個約會」。今天來看看date這個字的道地用法。

1. It's a date!

date最常見的意思是「日期、日子」,例如:We need to fix a date for the next meeting.(我們得為下次會議定個日期。)

It's a date.date就是取這個意思,直譯是「就是這個日期」。當別人定了一個時間,你覺得很合適,就派得上用場,是casual的用法,再看一例:

I can't make it at seven o'clock. How about 9:30?(我7點鐘不行,9點半怎麼樣?)

Sure, it's a date.(當然可以,沒問題。)

2. I'll bring him up to date.

up to date是指「最新狀況、消息」,bring後面可以接人,也可以接事,是一個好用的片語,例句:

Bring me up to date on these candidates for the job.(提供我這些工作人選的最新狀況。)

This schedule doesn't include the latest changes—can you bring it up to date?(這時間表不包括最新的更改——您能更新一下嗎?)

3. I'm not past my sell-by date yet.

食物的包裝上會印一個保存期限,美國人習慣用expiration date,英國人也用sell-by date,在這之前必須售出。Past the sell-by date錯過保存期限、過期:

That milk is definitely past the sell-by date—it's curdled!(那牛奶肯定已經過期——它都結塊了!)


There's plenty of time to have a baby. I'm not past my sell-by date yet.(還有足夠的時間生孩子。我還沒有那麼老。)

The company is forcing my mother to retire because they think she's past her sell-by date.(公司正強迫我媽媽退休,因為他們覺得她年紀太大了。)

最後再來補充一個例子。曾經有同學,要問人「今天幾號」,英文要怎麼說。我們大部份會說:What's the date (today)? 或是 What's today's date?,比較少用 What date is today?

What date is today? 的文法也對,但較少見,因 What date is today? What day is today?(今天星期幾?)發音太接近,dateday沒仔細聽會搞錯,別人會以為你要問星期幾。

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