Earth has three main layers. They are the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is Earth's hard surface where all humans live. It is the outermost and the thinnest of Earth's layers. Underneath the crust is the mantle, Earth's thickest layer. The rocky material in the upper mantle is rigid. However, beneath this rigid upper mantle lies a very hot and soft rock zone. Below the mantle is the core. The core has two parts: a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.
The crust and the upper mantle form a rigid layer of rock called the lithosphere. Below the lithosphere is the asthenosphere. It is very hot and soft and can flow like a heated liquid. Thus, the rocky material in the mantle is constantly in motion. It rises and pushes against the bottom of the crust. This movement causes the thin crust to break into pieces called plates.
In fact, Earth's crust is composed of many of these plates. The plates vary in size and shape. The major plates are named after the continents or oceans that they support. Some
of them are the Eurasian Plate, the North American Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Caribbean Plate. These plates are constantly in motion. Remember that Earth's lithosphere sits on top of the mantle. Because the mantle flows, it makes the plates in the lithosphere move. As a result, Earth's crust is constantly moving. The theory that Earth's crust is divided into plates that are constantly moving is called plate tectonics.
However, these plates do not move very quickly. They may only move a few centimeters a year. But, over many years, these movements can cause major changes in the plates. When plates collide, they may form mountain chains and ocean trenches. The movement of the plates is also what causes earthquakes and volcanoes.