"Don’t miss the boat."
他心想,要趕上船?都什麼時代了誰還搭船!老闆究竟是什麼意思?一起來看看和 boat 相關,意象生動的幾個用法。
1. miss the boat
Miss the boat 字面意思是「沒趕上船」,引申為「錯失良機、犯錯」,例如:
• Don’t miss the boat. It is the chance of your lifetime. 別錯失良機。這是你一生中難得一遇的機會。
• If you think you can do this, you have just missed the boat. 如果你認為你能幹這事,那你就錯了。
過去船是重要的交通工具,現在搭船的人不多了,有人把 miss the boat 其中的 boat 改成 bus,miss the bus 也成了常見片語,意思一樣:
• If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going to miss the bus. 如果你不回招聘者的電話,就會痛失這個機會。
2. rock the boat
• Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished. 在談判結束之前不要多話惹是生非。
• I don't want to rock the boat, but I was really worried about the current situations.
3. just off the boat
想像一下,你剛從一艘船上走下來,到一個完全陌生的地方,睜大眼睛,張開嘴巴,哇的一聲,這時候你的舉止,就可以用Just off the boat形容,指「感到新鮮好奇而容易上當的、天真幼稚的」,有點接近中文裡的「初出茅廬、懵懵懂懂」。
• I’m not just off the boat. I know what’s going on.我可不是初出茅廬容易上當的人。我知道是怎麼回事。
• He may act like he's just off the boat, but he's very savvy. 他看來懵懵懂懂,其實是個很精明的人。
4. in the same boat
In the same boat,原指在同一艘船上,引申為處境相同,而這處境經常是艱困的。
中文也有「同舟共濟」的說法,但稍有些不同。同舟共濟有「同心協力、共度難關」,但 in the same boat,只有處境相同,不一定會一起奮鬥。例如:
• She's always complaining that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat.
• As hard as it is to lose your job, remember that you're not alone—a lot of other people are in the same boat as you right now.