

Bruce Lee is a legend that nearly everyone in the world recognizes. Although no longer living, he is still the martial arts master to whom all others are compared. He is a world-famous movie star, a cultural icon, the creator of Jeet Kune Do, and the hero of many.



Although Bruce Lee had appeared in more than 20 films by the time he was 18 years old, it wasn't until he played the character Kato in the American television show The Green Hornet that he began to rise in popularity. The show was on the air for only one season, but in Hong Kong he had become a star, and the show was mostly referred to as "The Kato Show." Lee, however, was dissatisfied with playing supporting roles.

雖然年僅18 歲的李小龍,出演的電影已超過20部,卻是到美國電視影集《青蜂俠》中「加藤」一角,才真正嘗到走紅的滋味。儘管《青蜂俠》只播映一季,他卻成為香港人眼裡的大明星,甚至多數人暱稱該影集為《加藤秀》。不過,李小龍卻無法安於飾演配角的現狀。


In 1971, at 31 years old, Lee acted in his first starring role as Cheng Chao-an in the hugely successful movie The Big Boss, which propelled Lee to stardom throughout Asia. This film was immediately followed by Fist of Fury in 1972, which broke all of the records that The Big Boss had just broken.

1971 年,31 歲的李小龍首度擔綱賣座電影《唐山大兄》的男主角鄭潮安,瞬間成為亞洲巨星。1972 年緊接著上映的電影《精武門》,更是打破《唐山大兄》在影史上的所有紀錄。


That same year, Lee renegotiated with Golden Harvest studio to become the writer, director, star, and fight choreographer of Way of the Dragon. This time, he also brought fame to American martial artist Chuck Norris in the movie's legendary, climactic, fight-to-the-death scene.



To the Chinese, those with whom he shared ethnicity, Bruce Lee was much more than a movie star—he was a symbol of national pride. In his movies, Lee often included scenes that showed him rising up against prejudices directed against the Chinese. For example, in Fist of Fury, Lee beat up a man and smashed a sign that likened Chinese people to dogs.

對於和李小龍流著相同種族血液的中國人而言,李小龍的存在不僅止於電影巨星──更多的是一種中國人的驕傲。李小龍的電影裡,經常出現他反擊一些對中國人固有偏見的橋段。例如《精武門》中,李小龍因為一塊「華人與狗不得入內 」的告示,與他人大打出手並砸毀招牌。


Combining the most useful parts of dozens of disciplines, Lee created Jeet Kune Do. He emphasized "the style of no style" to convey his rejection of overly structured and thus weaker methods. Two years before his death, Lee closed his schools, permitting only private instruction of his legacy.



Lee's final movie, Enter the Dragon, earned him celebrity throughout the United States and Europe, but most unfortunately, he did not live to see it. Six days before the movie’s debut, despite having been in perfect physical condition, Bruce Lee mysteriously died. Enter the Dragon continues to earn accolades and praise more than 40 years after its release.

李小龍的遺作《龍爭虎鬥》,讓他成為風靡美國與歐洲的名人。可惜他卻無法在有生之年目睹此盛況。因為在電影首映前六天,儘管身體健康狀態良好,李小龍仍神祕猝死。廣受好評的《龍爭虎鬥》上映至今超過40 年的時間,世人仍對該片讚譽有佳。

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