給國外的客戶寄了一份Proposal,對方讀了,來信說:"Well, we'll need to chew it over."
到底是接受還是不接受這份proposal?答案都不是,而是要再考慮一下。原來chew是咀嚼,chew over是反覆咀嚼,引申為仔細推敲、好好想一想的意思。
例如:I've been chewing things over. I've come to a final decision.(我已經考慮了一陣子,我有了個最後決定。)
也許你會想,為什麼不直接用"I'll think about it.",不是更直接嗎?
"I'll think about it."在多數老外的耳裡,會覺得是拒絕的藉口。所以這個句子用的時候要謹慎一些。來看看"I'll think about it."發生的場合。
到商場購物,服務人員想推銷東西,但你不想買,直接說no不太禮貌,很多人會委婉地說—— I'll think about it。對方聽到這句話,就會知趣地離開了。
在西方社會,"I'll think about it."也常常出現在父母和孩子的對話,或女孩拒絕男孩約會邀請時候也會用。來看看Urban dictionary的例句:
Son:Dad, can I get an iPad? (爸,我可以有一台iPad 嗎?)
Dad:I won't get it for you now but I'll think about it.(現在不行,但我會考慮。→不會買)
Guy:Hey, I kinda like you, will you go out with me? (我很喜歡妳,可以和我約會嗎?)
Girl:I'll think about it.(我再想想→意思是不會)
不用"I'll think about it.",除了用chew over之外,你也可以用很接近的一個片語"chew on",意思一樣,例如:
He took the offer after chewing on it.(仔細考慮後他接受了那份工作。)
一定要用think的話就用think long and hard,想得又長又用力,意思是「縝密考量」。
I need a few days to think long and hard before I decide if I'm going with this option.(我需要幾天想想我是不是要採取這個方式。)
還有一個片語是mull over,意思是「仔細思考」,這個字老美口語上很愛用,但在台灣比較少聽到。Mull原來有「蘊釀」之意,把酒溫熱也可以用這個字:
Thank you for your offer and could I have some time to mull it over?(謝謝你給的機會,可以給我一些時間考慮一下嗎?)
和Chew over/chew on很像,容易搞混的字是chew out,意思完全不同,嚼著嚼著東西都吐出來了,意思是「駡人」:
I knew my dad was going to chew me out.(我就知道老爸會把我痛駡一頓。)