Mushrooms, a good, strong cheese, and Mom's chicken soup. What do these things have in common? Umami! We generally describe foods using one of the four words sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. But there is a fifth taste, harder to define than the others: umami. The word is sometimes translated from Japanese into English as "savory," but this doesn't quite explain what umami is.
香菇、味道濃烈的好起司,還有媽媽煮的雞湯。這些東西有什麼共同點?那就是「Umami 鮮味」!我們通常會以甜、鹹、酸與苦的其中一個字來描述食物。但還有一個比其他四味更難定義的第五味:鮮味。這個日文字有時翻為英文的「savory」(譯註:中譯為「美味」),但仍不太能解釋鮮味的意思。
Let's say you make a soup. You cook with onions, garlic and spices, but when you take a sip, your soup is rather bland. What do you do? You add a pinch of AJI-NO-MOTO (monosodium glutamate, or MSG), and suddenly all the flavors come alive. What is
going on here? Just like magic, glutamate allows us to taste umami. It makes ingredients taste like a stronger version of themselves!
A ripening tomato illustrates this very well. When it is still growing, a tomato is green and not very tasty (though some people love to slice and fry them). But as it turns red, the amount of glutamate increases, and the fruit becomes juicy and delicious. Other foods, such as Parmesan cheese (the kind the Italians put on their spaghetti), also contain naturally high levels of glutamate. In short, if something tastes full and rich on your tongue, you are probably experiencing umami!