It is already a disgusting habit. But now scientists say picking your nose could raise your risk of catching Covid too.
A study of healthcare workers in the Netherlands found nose pickers were nearly three times more likely to catch the virus than those who avoided the habit.
Of all participants, those who picked their nose daily or weekly were most likely to get an infection.
One in five nose pickers tested positive for the virus during the seven-month study overall, they said, compared to less than one in 20 among those who did not.
Researchers suggested nose picking puts someone at higher risk of infection because it ’facilitates’ the transfer of the virus from hands to the nasal canal.
Covid spreads mainly via droplets expelled when someone coughs or sneezes. These are breathed in by others sparking an infection in the upper respiratory tract — including the nose — and causing illness. (AP)
Covid:為「Coronavirus disease」(冠狀病毒病)縮寫。武漢肺炎被世衛正名為「Covid-19」(2019冠狀病毒病),並非中國自稱的「新冠肺炎」。
facilitate:動詞,讓…順利進行、促進。例句:Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.(各國人民的友好接觸促進文化和經濟交流。)