

The lightbulb is one of the most important inventions of the last 200 years. It has allowed us to do things at night that would otherwise be inconceivable. Can you imagine lighting up a highway with candles or trying to drive your car using the dim glow of gas lamps? Many people believe that the lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison, but is that really the case?



Edison was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio, USA. In school, Edison was often absentminded, and his teachers did not think he was an intellectual. In 1854, his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, where the young Edison sold candy and newspapers on trains from Port Huron to Detroit. These early sales experiences allowed Edison to cultivate his talents as a businessman and eventually led him to found 14 companies, including General Electric, which is still flourishing today.

愛迪生在1847 年出生於美國俄亥俄州的米蘭。在學校時,愛迪生常心不在焉,在老師的眼中,他不是個聰明的孩子。1854年,他們全家搬到了密西根州的修倫港。在那裡,年少的愛迪生常在往來於底特律和修倫港的火車上兜售糖果和報紙。早年的銷售經驗讓愛迪生得以磨練自己在生意上的潛能。他最後創立了14家公司,其中還包括到現在仍生意興榮的通用電氣公司。


Edison started his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey, and in 1878 he formed the Edison Electric Light Company. During his first public demonstration of his incandescent lightbulb on December 31, 1879, he said, "We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." Lightbulbs were not the only things Edison worked on. He also established the first industrial research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. There, Edison and his assistant, William J. Hammer, worked on the telephone, developed the electric railway, and patented the United States' first movie camera.



However, Edison did not invent many of the things he is said to have invented, but he did improve them so that they could be sold to the public. He did not invent the electric lightbulb, for example, which had been invented seven decades earlier. He did, however, develop a long-lasting, practical electric lightbulb and start the first company that made and sold them. The only major invention that Edison did invent was the record player. It was this invention in 1877 that made him renowned the world over as the Wizard of Menlo Park.


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