8-year-old drives younger sister to McDonalds after craving a burger-想吃起司漢堡的8歲男童,開車載妹妹去麥當勞


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What's in a Name?  名字學問大

Mike Corsini

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It turns out that plants also have a brain-植物竟然也有腦


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Avoiding Cultural Misunderstandings  文化誤解面面觀

James Baron

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Living dolls: Spanish firm makes eerily realistic human, alien babies 活生生的洋娃娃:西班牙公司製作詭異逼真人類、外星寶寶


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Pack Up for the Future with the World's First Robotic Travel Bag  「跟著你走」的行李箱

Ben Bousada

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Google co-founder is quietly building the worlds biggest aircraft Google共同創辦人正悄悄打造全球最大飛行器


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The Anti-Café  滴答滴答 ~ 計時咖啡廳


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Russia thinks alien life may exist on the international space station 俄羅斯認為國際太空站可能有外星生物


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The Nightmare Machine  找出潛意識的恐懼 ── 惡夢製造機


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