Where the commute is a plane ride 搭飛機通勤的國度


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Breaking the Fast: Choices Aplenty in Taiwan  台式早餐美味大搜查


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Big-headed babies are more intelligent, study finds. 研究發現,大頭寶寶更聰明


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Going without Cars  環保護地球‧世界無車日

Going without a car for a day can be as easy as going for a walk in the park.

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Discovery highlights a wealth of previously unknown biodiversity 新發現昭示前所未知的豐富生物多樣性寶藏


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Smart Retirement Homes: A Cure for Taiwan's Ageing Problem? 智慧銀髮宅:台灣高齡化社會的救星?


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Taking long afternoon naps may increase risk of diabetes, study shows. 研究顯示,長時間午睡可能增加糖尿病罹患風險


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The Buzz on Bees 蜜蜂知多少


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1 Long Neck, 4 Species 一樣的長脖子,卻是不同的4個物種


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Swim, Bike, Run: A Guide to Triathlons 三合一鐵人三項比賽


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