The Cute Cakes That Fit in Cups 百變杯子甜心


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Storks spend winter eating rubbish in landfills not flying to Africa 白鸛在垃圾掩埋場吃垃圾過冬,而不飛到非洲


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Modern-Day Entertainment YouTube 夯!全!球!


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Indias Tata Motors to rename hatchback that sounds like Zika 印度的塔塔汽車為念起來像茲卡的掀背車改名


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The Magnificent Mexican Mural  色彩的力量:動盪小鎮變身彩虹家園


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Celebrating the year of the penguin in Japan 日本慶祝「企鵝年」


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Holland is Calling 來自荷蘭的呼喚


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Bats sabotage rivals senses with sound in food race 蝙蝠靠聲音干擾食物競爭者的感覺


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Weird Hotels from around the World 來『趣』住一晚 ── 全球特色旅館


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Lizard lounging in New Jersey pupils salad is now class pet 閒躺在新澤西州小學生沙拉裡的蜥蜴 現在是班上寵物


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