Stroking cats and dogs for just ten minutes can significantly reduce anxiety  摸貓摸狗可減壓 10分鐘明顯見效


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HollywoodAmericas Movie Wonderland  美國電影黃金國度 ── 好萊塢


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Google made thousands of deepfakes to aid detection efforts 谷歌製作數千部「深度偽造」影片 助力辨識造假影像


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Strange Animals: The Hammerhead Shark  奇特的動物:雙髻鯊


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Trash for tickets on Indonesias plastic bus 印尼「塑膠公車」用垃圾當車票


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The Time Traveler’s Wife  時空旅人之妻


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Taiwanese graffiti village eases elderly loneliness 台灣「彩繪村」紓解老人的寂寞


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承接古今的尼羅河 The Nile River


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Saturn overtakes Jupiter as planet with most moons 土星超越木星 成為擁有最多衛星的行星


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Mental Wellness Board  心情點名板


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