
HollywoodAmericas Movie Wonderland  美國電影黃金國度 ── 好萊塢




See how a one-time quiet little farming town became the playground of the stars.



  Everyone knows that Hollywood is the center of the universe when it comes to big-budget blockbuster movies. But have you ever wondered how this corner of Los Angeles became the home of the silver screen elite?



  Back in the mid-19th century, Hollywood was founded as a farming community in Southern California. It wasnt until the early 1900s that filmmakers started flocking in. They went out to Hollywood due to a rather strange cause: inventor Thomas Edison. Edison owned many of the patents used in film-making, and those patents were filed in New Jersey. Edison was known for suing movie makers who violated his patents. By coming out west, studio executives and directors could get away from Edisons lawsuits.



  The first Hollywood film studio was founded in 1919, but was actually in Edendale, next to Hollywood. Many more studios followed, including those run by well-known filmmakers Cecil DeMille and Charlie Chaplin. The famous Hollywood signwhich originally read “Hollywoodland”—went up in the Hollywood Hills in 1923. From 1910 to 1929, around 40,000 films, most of which were silent, were made in Hollywood. Today, Hollywood still pumps out as many as 500 movies per year.

  首間好萊塢電影製片廠創始於 1919 年,但其實它位於好萊塢旁的伊登戴爾。更多的電影製片廠也跟進,包括那些由知名電影製作人西席‧狄密爾以及查理‧卓別林等人所經營的電影製片廠。知名的好萊塢標誌(最原始的拼法為「Hollywoodland」),於 1923 年登上了好萊塢山莊。從 1910 1929 年,約有四萬部且大多為默片的電影產於好萊塢。今日的好萊塢每年仍出產多達五百部電影。


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