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The Museum of Ice Cream風靡全球網美朝聖打卡 —— 紐約冰淇淋博物館


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For Greeks, burgeoning gig economy means low wages, long hours 對希臘人來說,迅速發展的零工經濟意味著低工資、長工時


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The Rise of Haunted Houses鬼屋的崛起


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New limbs, new life for South Sudan amputees 新四肢為南蘇丹截肢者帶來新生活


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Excuse Me, But You’re in My Seat 為什麼我們總愛坐同一個位子?


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Human-Size Jellyfish Stuns Divers Off the Coast of England 像人那麼大的水母,讓英國沿海潛水員驚嘆不已


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流浪狗悲歌 The Feral Dog Epidemic


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This baby was born on 7-Eleven Day at 7:11 pm, weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces 這個寶寶生於小七日晚上711分,體重711盎司


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Luye Plateau  鹿野高臺


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Flight crew restrains ’God’ aboard Delta flight 空勤人員阻止「上帝」登上達美航空班機


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Seeking Soccer Talent, Club Executives Turn to Speed Dating 球員交易平台 足球隊用快速約會尋才


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Why Japanese women rebel against Valentine’s day, but still buy chocolate 為何日本女性反抗西洋情人節 卻仍購買巧克力?


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How Are Typhoons and Hurricanes Named? 颱風是如何命名的?


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Valley of the dollsscarecrows outnumber people in Japan village 娃娃谷:稻草人比人多的日本鄉村


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Living in Fear of Your Phone  接個電話也會讓你害怕!?     


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Decentralized Finance As a New Financial Sector 做為一個新金融領域的「去中心化金融」


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希利爾湖:澳洲的粉紅色湖泊 Lake Hillier, the Pink Lake in Australia


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Against the tide Thai ’floating temple’ defies coastal erosion 逆潮:泰國「漂浮寺廟」力抗後退的海岸線


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Ride Your Bike If You Like 跨上自行車 世界任我馳騁


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Dr Marijuana Pepsi: The woman who refused to let her bullies win 大麻百事可樂博士:拒絕讓霸凌獲勝的女子


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