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Struggling farming school in Hokkaido revived by its lamb products/苦撐辦學的北海道農校靠羊肉產品起死回生


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The Complex History of Meeting Your Exact Double  當你遇見你的分身


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Sinking feeling: Philippine cities facing ’slow-motion disaster’ 不祥預感:菲律賓城市面臨「緩慢的災難」


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A Marathon of Food, Wine, and Fun 史上最「酒」馬拉松


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Egypt teaches students about love and marriage in attempt to curb divorce 為控制離婚率,埃及教導學生愛與婚姻


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Long Live the Lazy 越懶活得越久!?


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Genes, yes, but obesity pandemic mostly down to diet:study 研究:基因有影響,但肥胖流行病主因在飲食


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Lost Treasures of the Maya  馬雅失落寶藏


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Social media use ’disrupting teen sleep and exercise’ 社交媒體使用「干擾青少年睡眠與運動」


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Hannah’s No-Buy Year 一起來挑戰一年不買東西!


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Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? 黑猩猩為什麼要丟大便?


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神秘的51區 Area 51


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Staring at seagulls can stop them stealing food, research shows 研究顯示,盯著海鷗看能阻止牠們偷走食物


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Was Purple Unpatriotic?  國旗五彩繽紛 為何獨缺紫色


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Zombie Ants Are Controlled by a ’Master Puppeteer’ Parasite 殭屍螞蟻被「操偶大師」寄生菌控制


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Who Moved My Cheese?: A Story of Change 到底是《誰搬走了我的乳酪》啦?


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Doctors extract 526 teeth from Indian boy 醫生從印度男孩體內取出526顆牙


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Watch Out for These Killer Creatures! 當心殺手級生物!


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Mom’s mistake about child’s age leads to $78,000 lottery jackpot 老媽弄錯小孩年齡而中了78000美元樂透頭彩


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