Valley of the dolls:scarecrows outnumber people in Japan village 娃娃谷:稻草人比人多的日本鄉村
In the tiny village of Nagoro, deep in the mountains of western Japan, the wind howls down a deserted street with not a living soul to be seen.
But yet the street appears busy, dotted with life-sized dolls that outnumber humans. This is the product of local resident Tsukimi Ayano’s bid to counter the emptiness and loneliness felt in Nagoro, like many Japanese villages decimated by depopulation.
"Only 27 people live in this village but the number of scarecrows is tenfold," the 69-year-old doll maker said. It all started 16 years ago when the dexterous Ayano created a scarecrow dressed in her father’s clothes to prevent birds eating the seeds.
Since then, Ayano has not stopped creating the life-size dolls. The secret to breathing life into the dolls? Applying pink color to the lips and cheeks with a make-up brush, revealed Ayano.
According to experts, around 40 percent of Japan’s 1,700 municipalities are defined as "depopulated."(AFP)