Aloha 夏威夷
Hawaii, birthplace of Barack Obama,America's 44th president, offers a rich mixture of pan-Asian, North American, and native Hawaiian influences and character. This can be seen in everything from the music, language,and even the food. One hallmark of Hawaiian cooking is poi, which is produced by crushing cooked taro until a thick pale-purple paste is formed. The dish is usually served with rice and fish. For thrill-seekers and sunbathers,Hawaii's 750 miles of coastline offers plenty of opportunity to surf and swim. No matter what the reason is for visiting Hawaii, there is no better place in the world to sit on a beach and watch the sunset.
夏威夷是美國第四十四任總統巴拉克•歐巴馬的出生地,它提供了融合泛亞洲、北美洲及夏威夷當地的影響力與特色的豐富混合體。從音樂、語言、甚至到食物種種一切都可以發現到這點。夏威夷有一道特色菜餚叫 poi,它的製作方式是將煮熟的芋頭擠壓直到變成一塊很厚的淡紫色糊狀物為止。這道菜通常會搭配米飯和魚肉。對於喜歡追求刺激及愛做日光浴的人來說,夏威夷長達七百五十英里的海岸線提供了許多衝浪及游泳的機會。不論去夏威夷的原因為何,這裡是世上最適合坐在海灘上看日落的地方。