
Unseen Tours  旅遊新風貌── 街遊倫敦




  In 2013, nearly 17 million people visited London, so there are many tourist services. One unique service is Unseen Tours, which arranges walking tours for tourists. The company only hires tour guides who are either homeless or were homeless before.

2013 年有將近一千七百萬人次造訪倫敦,所以倫敦有多樣的遊客服務。其中有一項獨特的服務叫做『另眼看倫敦』,『另眼看倫敦』為遊客安排了徒步旅遊行程。提供『另眼看倫敦』服務的公司只雇用流浪漢,或曾經是流浪漢的人來當導遊。

  In 2010, The Sock Mob, a group dedicated to helping homeless people in London, worked with homeless people and wanted to help them make enough money for food and a home of their own. The Sock Mob also wanted to show that the homeless could do something good for their community. Additionally, Unseen Tours wanted to offer tourists a different kind of tour experience, so they found tour guides with a unique perspective1 of London.

2010 年,The Sock Mob 這個致力於幫助倫敦流浪漢的慈善團體和流浪漢們一起合作,想要幫助他們賺到足夠的錢,來負擔食物和他們自己的住所。The Sock Mob 也想讓大家知道,流浪漢也可以做些有益社區的事。除此之外,『另眼看倫敦』想給遊客一個與眾不同的旅遊經驗,所以他們找來了這些對倫敦有著獨特見解的導遊。

  Guides are trained for three months before giving tours. They receive 60 percent of the fees2 collected in the tours. The remaining money goes to running Unseen Tours. Some of that money is used to pay for phones and transportation3 for the tour guides. With the profits, the company tries to hire more guides and further expand its tours. Unseen Tours is now a top-rated4 service, and it won The Observer Ethical Tourism Award in 2013.

  導遊在正式導覽前,會先經過三個月的訓練。他們可以得到行程中所收取費用的百分之六十。剩下的錢則被用來維持『另眼看倫敦』的運作。而其中的一些錢是用以支付導遊的電話費和交通費。有了這些收益,這家公司試著雇用更多的導遊,來進一步擴展它的旅遊行程。現在『另眼看倫敦』是一項非常受歡迎的服務,而且在 2013 年贏得觀察家道德倫理獎中的旅遊獎項。


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