
Keeping the Memory Alive 緬懷祖先 全球面面觀




The ancient Egyptians had a strong belief in the afterlife and buried valuables and servants for the deceased along with the body. However, the most important detail was to remember the departed in rituals or simply by speaking their name, for to be forgotten meant falling into the terrifying void. Similar traditions are present in nearly every culture today. Remembering the dead is an integral part of many African societies' worldviews. Small everyday gestures include throwing a libation for the ancestors from each newly opened bottle of rum into the northeast corner of the room. The Malagasy people of Madagascar exhume ancestral bones, rewrap them in fresh silks and dance them among the whole extended family in a celebration of kinship called Famadihana.



Another joyful festival celebrating the departed is Dia de los Muertos, Mexican Day of the Dead. Families have picnics and play music around familial gravestones, welcoming their relatives' spirits among them once again. The atmosphere is far from solemn, with costumes, face make-up and charming death-themed decorations, such as skull-shaped candy placed on altars with flowers and ribbons.



African diasporans consider ancestors to be messengers to the gods who can intercede on their descendants' behalf. North American graveyards are quiet places where people come to pray, sometimes asking for guidance from those who've gone beyond the mortal coil.


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