
Woman Helps Nigerian Children Left on the Streets   『希望』會更好 ── 拯救奈及利亞巫童




  Anja Ringgren Loven was walking along a street in Nigeria when she found a two-year-old boy by the side of the road. She saw that the boy was naked, very skinny, and so weak that he was close to death. Loven gave him water, wrapped him in a blanket, and took him to the hospital. The boy, whom she named Hope, had been left for dead by his parents because they thought he was a witch. They feared that he would bring bad luck to the family, so they left him on the streets. Before Loven found him, Hope lived on pieces of food that he found in the garbage for eight months.


  Luckily for Hope, Loven started a center for children in Nigeria. It helps kids like him whose families have left them on the streets. After weeks in the hospital, Hope regained his strength and his smile. Loven was happy to see him healthy enough to play with the other children at the center. He now lives with Loven at her childcare center. Thanks to Loven and her charity, Hope now has a second chance at life.



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