A Glimpse of the Future: Bionic Lens Set to Boost Vision 「仿生鏡」讓你迅速恢復視力健康
—James Baron
As a child, Dr. Garth Webb wanted to be a cowboy. However, one thing struck him: Cowboys don't wear glasses. Self-conscious about wearing corrective lenses, he made it his mission from that moment to free himself from them.
Around half a century later, Webb appears to have accomplished his goal. In his work as an eye doctor, Webb has created an incredible new device. The Bionic Lens, as it is known, promises to not only improve the eyesight of those with vision problems, but also allow people with normal vision to see three times better. Let's put that in perspective. If a person can normally see something clearly from twenty feet away, the lens would allow him or her to see it clearly from sixty feet away. A great thing about the lens is that the surgery to put it in place would be simple and painless. It would be injected into the eye and begin working within minutes.
Although the lens is still being tested, Dr. Webb hopes it will be available to the public within two years. Around the world, people who have trouble seeing clearly will certainly have their eyes on this invention.