Low birthrate threatens teaching jobs in S. Korea-低出生率衝擊南韓教職
Korea’s falling birthrate is threatening teaching jobs in public schools, education offices’ recruitment plans showed. The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education said it will hire 105 elementary school teachers this year, a major drop from 846 in 2016.
"The decision was inevitable because the number of students in Seoul keeps decreasing," an official said. "Many people are on a waiting list to be assigned positions even after passing the qualification test."
Meanwhile, in Gwangju, Korea’s sixth-largest city, only five people will be hired as elementary school teachers ― the lowest number ever ― down from 20 last year. For aspiring elementary school teachers, this is bad news. Many people preparing for education careers have expressed worry and anger over the offices’ plans. Some are calling for a rally in protest.
Korea’s shrinking birthrate, which has been below 1.5 over the past two decades, is a threat not just to workers in elementary schools but also to those in all schools, including universities.