Come and experience one of the oldest carnivals in Europe! The Carnival of Venice has been held since the 11th century, and now you can see it yourself.
The Carnival will tickle all five of your senses:
‧ See the beautiful traditional masks which come in all shapes and colors.
‧ Hear the wonderful music at one of the masked balls held in grand halls throughout the city.
‧ Taste fine Italian cuisine at one of the Carnival’s many feasts.
‧ Feel the winter air against your skin as you take in shows at St. Mark's Square.
‧ Smell the steam rising off your thick, Carnival-style hot chocolate.
There's only one way to enjoy these once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Book a trip to Venice for next year's Carnival. It usually kicks off in mid-February and ends in the first week of March. Book now and join the three million people who attend this world-class event every year!
歡迎前來體驗歐洲最古老的嘉年華會之一! 威尼斯嘉年華創始時間可追溯至11世紀,現在你也能親眼見證。
● 看見形形色色的華麗傳統面具。
● 在威尼斯市各大宴會廳舉辦的化裝舞會聽見美妙的音樂。
● 在嘉年華的眾多饗宴之中,品嚐義大利料理。
● 在聖馬可廣場欣賞表演節目時,感受冷颼颼的冬季寒風。
● 嗅聞具有嘉年華風味的濃醇熱巧克力所散發的熱氣。