
Gut Feeling腸保健康給你好心情




As scientists have long known, the brain sends signals to our digestive systems. This is why we get butterflies in our stomachs when we're nervous. However, recent studies suggest that our guts may also influence our emotions by sending signals to our brains.



A test using mice showed that rodents without stomach germs suffer less from anxiety. Normal mice and germ-free mice were kept inside a dark box and allowed to go at will to bright areas outside. Mice that spent more time outside were considered to be less anxious. As the test indicated, the germ-free mice spent more time outside the box, compared to mice with germs.



A second test was performed on a group of women. Some were regularly given yogurt containing bacteria known to help digestion, while others weren't. The study revealed clear differences in brain functions related to emotions between women who ate the bacteria-containing yogurt and those who didn't.



Knowing that gut signals to the brain can be modified by our diet opens a window of possibilities for medical studies on mental and physical health. More tests need to be done, but doctors have a gut feeling that they're going to get positive results!


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