The Slurp Heard Around the World 夏天就是要喝思樂冰!
Don’t hold back—slurp away on this classic frozen drink that came to be accidentally.
別猶豫 —— 豪邁暢飲這意外誕生的經典凍飲吧。
July 11th is National Slurpee Day. A Slurpee is a frozen carbonated drink sold in 7-Eleven stores around the world and is the perfect summer refreshment.
七月十一日是美國的思樂冰日。思樂冰是冰凍的碳酸飲料,在全世界的 7-Eleven 都有販售,也是絕佳的夏日飲料。
The Slurpee was invented by accident in the late 1950s by Omar Knedlik of Kansas City in the US. Knedlik owned a Dairy Queen, and when his soda fountain broke down, he put bottles of soda in the freezer to keep them cool. Of course, some of the bottles ended up partially frozen, and the semi-frozen soda proved to be very popular with his customers. Knedlik developed a special machine and recipe for the drink, marketing it as the ICEE.
In 1965, 7-Eleven picked up the product and renamed it the Slurpee. The name was inspired by the slurping sound that the drink makes when it is sucked through a straw. Slurpee straws are also special. The top end is normal, but the bottom end has a little scoop that can be used for picking up the last bits of ice in the cup.
1965 年,7-Eleven 買下了這項產品,並將它重新命名為「思樂冰」。這個名字的靈感來自該飲品被用吸管喝時發出的咕嘟聲。思樂冰的吸管也很特別。它上面的那端是普通吸管的樣子,不過底端有一個小勺子可以用來舀起杯裡最後的小碎冰。
On 7/11, don’t forget to visit your local 7-Eleven and enjoy a refreshing Slurpee!
在七月十一日這一天,別忘了去你們當地的 7-Eleven 享用一杯清涼的思樂冰!