Tom Cruise: Action Hero Maverick
Tom Cruise takes to the skies again in Top Gun: Maverick.
Tom Cruise is definitely one of the most distinguished actors in Hollywood thanks to his numerous appearances in so many successful films. He is noted for the Mission Impossible films, Interview with a Vampire, Jerry Maguire, and of course, the iconic Top Gun. The last, released in 1986, was the action blockbuster that brought Cruise to international fame, paving his way to superstardom.
湯姆‧克魯斯出演過多部賣座電影,因此絕對是好萊塢最傑出知名的演員之一。他令人著稱的作品包括《不可能的任務》系列電影、《 夜訪吸血鬼》、《征服情海》,當然還有最經典的《捍衛戰士》。上述所提的最後一片於 1986 年上映,而這部動作鉅片也讓克魯斯享譽全球,幫助他邁向超級巨星之路。
Cruise, born in New York in 1962, spent much of his youth moving from place to place. He lived in Ohio, New Jersey, and even Canada for a time. At 18 years of age in 1980, Cruise moved to New York City to become an actor. But it wasn’t long before he began flying to Los Angeles for auditions. He made his Hollywood debut in 1981.
克魯斯於 1962 年在紐約出生,小時候經常搬家。他曾住過俄亥俄州、紐澤西州、甚至一度還住過加拿大。克魯斯於 1980 年十八歲時搬回紐約市打算當演員。但不久後他就開始飛往洛杉磯試鏡。1981年,他在好萊塢正式出道。
Since then, Cruise has starred in over 40 films and helped produce over 15. Impressively, Cruise prefers to do all of his own stunts. He will do everything he can to portray his characters as realistically as possible. He even learned to fly a real fighter jet for the Top Gun film. Cruise has developed a reputation as one of the hardest working men in Hollywood.