
Who Moved My Cheese?: A Story of Change 到底是《誰搬走了我的乳酪》啦?




How one story has been helping people accept change for over 20 years.



  Who Moved My Cheese? is the story of two mice, Sniff and Scurry. The pair live in a maze and are always searching for cheese. With them in the maze are two tiny mouse-sized humans, Hem and Haw. One day, they all find a huge amount of cheese. It should be enough to last them a lifetime. But then...

  《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》是一個關於兩隻老鼠 —— 「嗅嗅」與「快快」的故事。這兩隻老鼠住在迷宮裡,一直在找尋著乳酪。和牠們同住在這個迷宮裡的還有兩個如老鼠般大小的小小人 —— 「哼哼」與「哈哈」。某一天,他們都找到了巨量的乳酪。這應該足夠他們吃一輩子了。但後來……


  The humans quickly get too comfortable. They show off how much cheese they have, and they believe it will never run out. At the same time, the mice are always ready to move on if the cheese ever runs out.



  One day, of course, the cheese disappears. The mice are ready and move on to find more. The humans, however, believed the cheese would always be there. They get angry and yell,“Who moved my cheese?” Hem stays behind, but Haw goes on to look for more cheese. As he goes, he writes down lessons he’s learned on the walls of the maze, like “Change happens” and “Enjoy change.” In the end, he finds a new source of cheese, and Sniff and Scurry are already there.



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