Throw Some Dirt on It! 在上面灑點泥土吧!
Sometimes, getting down and dirty can help rather than hurt.
The sight of a kid putting a pacifier into their mouth after it’s been on the floor usually drains the blood out of most parents’ faces. Seeing them eating something from the floor, or completely covered head to toe in mud will also make them worry. Some people seriously afraid of germs will hurry to clean all traces of germs off of their child. However, those who have a more relaxed approach to parenting actually have the right idea. Many recent studies have shown that kids need to be in contact with germs to build strong, healthy immune systems.
There is no doubt that improvements to public health have helped to lower the case of serious illness and death in children over the years. However, completely cutting off kids from germs isn’t good for their health, not counting cold and flu season. It could result in a very sensitive immune system, which could lead to higher instances of food allergies, eczema, and asthma. Parents who lick pacifiers to clean them instead of washing them if they fall on the floor are doing their kids a favor. If a child receives all their shots, eats a healthy diet, and plays in the mud, they will be fine. After all, dirt doesn’t always hurt.