

In October 2021, the social-media giant Facebook was rebranded as Meta. Founder Mark Zuckerberg explained the name as being a sign of the company's commitment to realizing the "metaverse." Suddenly the question on everyone's lips was "What on earth is the metaverse?"

202110月,社群媒體龍頭 Facebook 改名為 Meta。集團創辦人馬克.祖克柏對此解釋,這個名字意謂著該公司致力讓「元宇宙」成為現實的承諾。一夕之間,大家掛在嘴邊的問題都是:「元宇宙到底是什麼?」


The term was first coined back in 1992 by science-fiction author Neal Stephenson in his novel Snow Crash. In the novel, the Metaverse is the successor to the Internet. It is a virtual-reality world populated by digital versions of its users. Today, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive online spaces are a reality. The idea of a functioning metaverse is no longer a concept resigned to the pages of a sci-fi novel. Soon enough, by combining aspects of social media, online gaming, augmented reality, and virtual reality, the Internet may well evolve into such an immersive digital reality.



According to Zuckerberg, in a future where the metaverse is a reality, "you'll be able to do almost anything you can imagine." You'll be able to "get together with friends and family, work, learn, play, shop, create... In this future, you will be able to teleport instantly as a hologram to [your] office without a commute, [to] a concert with friends, or [to] your parents' living room to catch up."



Though we may have been heading that way already, the journey towards the metaverse has been sped up thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. With lockdowns forcing people to study, work, and socialize from home, people have gotten used to interacting in online spaces. The momentum will only grow as investors and companies race to be a part of what they think will be the future of technology.

雖然我們可能早已在朝這個方向前進中,但由於COVID-19 疫情,通往元宇宙的旅程已加速前行。由於封城措施迫使人們在家上課、工作和社交,人們已變得習慣在網路空間互動。隨著投資人和公司爭先恐後,要在他們心目中的未來科技上參一腳,這股動力只會有增無減。


We must, however, go forward with care. Just look at the amount of negativity on the Internet today, such as hacking, deception, harassment, and hate speech. It is easy to see how quickly the metaverse, as a far more immersive form of the Internet, could become tremendously destructive and harmful. As we build this virtual parallel universe, we must try our utmost to ensure it makes the human experience better, not a digital nightmare!


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