Kansas runner killed by lightning near ultramarathon finish line 堪薩斯州的超級馬拉松跑者 在快到終點線前遭雷擊身亡






A Kansas runner has died after being hit by lightning as he neared the finish line of a 31 mile 50km ultramarathon.



Thomas Stanley, 33, received first aid from runners and officials at the Elk City State Park race on Saturday, but died from his injuries, police said. His wife received the race medal on his behalf, local media reported.



In a Facebook post on Sunday, the organisers of the FlatRock race wrote "Thomas family says that the chances of being killed by a lightning strike are about one in a million, and Thomas was truly a one-in-a-million guy." Mrs Stanley wrote that she had "lost my best friend, father of our babies, and love" in a Facebook post.



The National Weather Service NWS reports 17 others have been killed by lightning across the US this year. According to the NWS, there is a one in 15,300 chance of being hit by lightning during an 80-year lifespan, and only 10% who are struck are killed.



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