Greener Pastures
綠色新潮 風靡全球!
The concern for the environment has produced some new human hobbies.
Everyone in the modern world agrees that jogging is good for the body, and cleaning up litter is good for the planet. In recent years, some people have been getting the benefits of both by doing them at the same time. The name for this activity is “plogging.” The activity started in Sweden in 2016, when the term was first coined by Erik Ahlström, an athlete who saw it as a way to encourage people to pick up litter.
現代世界中的每個人都同意慢跑有益身體健康,而清垃圾則對地球有幫助。近年來,有些人因為同時做這兩件事而在雙方面都獲益良多。這種活動的名字就叫做「plogging」。此活動始於 2016 年的瑞典,當時是由艾瑞克‧阿爾斯壯最先創造出這個字,這位運動員認為本活動是鼓勵人們撿拾垃圾的一種好方法。
The word “plogging” combines two words. The first term is plocka upp, which is the Swedish way to say picking up. The second term is jogging. Putting them together gives us plogging, a brand new word for an environmentally-friendly exercise.
plogging結合了兩個字。第一個字是plocka upp,也就是瑞典語的「撿起」。第二個字是jogging(慢跑)。兩個字湊在一起就成了 plogging 這個代指一項環保運動的全新單字。
Since 2016, plogging has spread worldwide. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi even went plogging to promote fighting pollution in India. The exercise is a great way for communities to raise awareness of environmental issues. Ploggers organize events in cities and places of natural beauty. At the end of each event, the planet is a little cleaner, and the participants a little more fit.
自2016 年起,plogging 已拓展到全世界。印度總理納倫德拉‧莫迪甚至也參與了plogging,用以推廣印度國內對抗汙染的行動。這項運動是提高各個社群對環境議題相關意識的絕佳方法。plogging的參與人士會在城市間及自然風景優美處安排活動。在每場盛會落幕後,地球就變得更乾淨了些,與會人士也稍微變得更健康。