The Life of Peter Dinklage
站在《權力遊戲》上的小巨人 ── 彼得‧汀克萊傑
Much like Tyrion Lannister—the role that made him famous—Peter Dinklage is a man of depth and character.
Born in Morristown, New Jersey, in 1969, American actor Peter Dinklage had an interest in the performing arts from an early age. He got his first taste of success playing the lead role in a fifth-grade production of The Velveteen Rabbit. The positive response he received from friends and audience members inspired him to continue acting throughout high school, and later, to pursue a drama degree.
美國演員彼得‧汀克萊傑於 1969 年誕生於紐澤西州的摩里斯鎮,從小就對表演藝術深感興趣。他在五年級上演的作品《絨毛兔》中擔綱主角,初嚐成功的滋味。他從朋友及觀眾那裡所獲得的正面回應鼓舞他在高中期間持續演戲,後來更進一步取得戲劇方面的學位。
Born with dwarfism, Dinklage faced a number of challenges throughout his career. Because he refused to take elf and leprechaun roles, he initially struggled to find work. His first break came in 1995, when he was cast in the independent comedy-drama Living in Oblivion. Coincidentally, Dinklage played the role of an actor with dwarfism who was frustrated with his stereotypical roles.
彼得‧汀克萊傑一出生就患有侏儒症,導致他在整個職業生涯中面臨到許多挑戰。因為他拒絕飾演小精靈及矮妖精這類角色,所以他出道時很難找到工作。他的首次機緣出現在 1995 年,當時他在《開麥拉狂想曲》這部獨立製作的喜劇電影裡演出。很巧的是,汀克萊傑在裡面扮演的就是患有侏儒症的演員,戲裡的他對自己所飾演的刻板角色相當氣餒。
Over 15 years later, it was his role as Tyrion Lannister in the hit HBO television series Game of Thrones that would finally bring Peter Dinklage to the world’s attention. The depth of Dinklage’s performance would earn him multiple awards and make him one of the highest-paid TV stars of all time.
逾十五年之後,他在 HBO 的熱門影集《權力遊戲》中所扮演的提利昂‧蘭尼斯特這個角色,終於讓全球都注意到他這號人物。汀克萊傑的深刻演出替他贏得多個獎項,並讓他成為有史以來價碼最高的電視明星之一。