Did You Know Toothpaste Could Do This?
Toothpaste is something that we all use every day. But did you know that it can do a lot more than clean your teeth? Below are just a few of the countless uses for toothpaste that people have come up with.
Stop Itching
Have an itchy mosquito bite? Try putting a little toothpaste on it. The menthol in the toothpaste will cool your skin and take your mind off the itch.
Get Rid of Smells
After you cook with garlic or onions, it can be hard to get rid of the smell on your hands. It may seem strange, but scrubbing your fingers with toothpaste is a great solution to this problem! This trick can also be used on items that have developed a smell, such as plastic food containers.
Make Jewelry Shine
Who would have thought that toothpaste is almost as good at cleaning jewelry as it is at cleaning teeth? Rub toothpaste on silver jewelry or scrub diamonds with toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. They’ll be as bright as your pearly whites in no time!