
Japan Is Crazy about Hot Pot




Angela, Wesley


Taiwan is famous for its wide variety of hot pots, including those with flavors borrowed from other Asian countries such as Korea and Thailand, but the Japanese also love this delicious cuisine. In that populous nation, hot pots are known generally as nabemono.



The term is a mixture of two words: nabe, which refers to a wide type of cooking pot, and mono, a Japanese word that simply means “things” or “stuff” in English. As anyone who has ever had the pleasure of eating hot pot knows, that “stuff” means food, and lots of it. And there’s not just one way to go about trying it out. Here are five tasty versions worth eating.

這個詞是兩個字的組合:nabe(編按:日文漢字「鍋」的發音)指的是較寬的烹飪鍋,mono(編按:日文漢字「物」的發音)這個日文字在英文中就只是「things(東西)」或「stuff(物品)」之意。任何享受過吃火鍋之樂的人都知道,那個「stuff」就是食物 ―― 非常多的食物。而且你能嘗試的鍋物不是只有一種而已。以下有五種值得你吃吃看的美味鍋物。



Shabu-Shabu 涮涮鍋


Many types of hot pots exist, but one of the most popular in Taiwan and Japan is called shabu-shabu, which is said to have been created in Osaka in the 1950s. Featuring thinly sliced cuts of beef (the most common ingredient), pork, chicken, other meat or fish, and vegetables, the dish got its name from the sound of the meat in the bubbling broth, as “shabu” indicates a swishing sound.

鍋物的種類有很多,但在臺灣和日本人氣數一數二的是涮涮鍋,據說是在 1950 年代於大阪發明的。涮涮鍋的特點是薄切的牛肉(最常見的食材)、豬肉、雞肉、其他肉類或魚肉,以及蔬菜,其名字的由來為肉在沸騰起泡的湯中發出的聲音,因為「shabu」指的是窸窣作響的聲音。


It differs from other Japanese meals because it is eaten bit by bit as food cooks in the boiling broth rather than everything being served together as a cooked meal. The meat is typically dipped in a sauce such as ponzu, a kind of soy sauce with a citrus flavor.




Sukiyaki 壽喜燒


Sukiyaki is sweeter than shabu-shabu because the food is cooked in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, and rice wine. In this famous dish, thinly sliced meat—usually beef—is cooked slowly in a shallow iron pot along with vegetables. After being cooked, the food is usually dipped in a bowl of raw eggs and then eaten. Like shabu-shabu, sukiyaki is often enjoyed with others around a table and frequently served at year-end parties.

壽喜燒比涮涮鍋甜,因為食物會放在醬油、糖及米酒混合的湯汁中烹煮。在這道著名的菜餚中,切成薄片的肉 ―― 通常是牛肉 ―― 會在淺底鐵鍋中與蔬菜一起慢慢煮熟。食物在煮好後通常會用一碗生雞蛋蘸著吃。壽喜燒和涮涮鍋一樣,通常會和其他人圍著一張桌子享用,也常常在年終派對上出現。

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