他的外國老闆突然說:Cut to the chase.
Cut是切,Chase是追,要切什麼,還是要追什麼? 原來cut to the chase有另一層意思。
1. Cut to the chase.
Cut to the chase 的意思是「撿重要的說,切入主題」。這個片語最早可能來自電影,因為電影追逐場面最刺激、最驚險。
All right, let’s stop the idle chatter and cut to the chase. 好,我們別再東拉西扯了。直接切入主題吧。
Hi everyone, we all know why we are here today, so let's cut to the chase.
2. He cut me short.
Cut short意思是「打斷…的話」,是常見片語。
Dave started to explain, but she cut him short. Dave開始解釋,可是她打斷了他的話。
I was cut short by a loud applause. 我的話被一陣熱烈的掌聲打斷。
Cut short 還可以當成「提前結束」:
He cut short his holiday to deal with the crisis. 為了處理這些危機,他提前結束了他的假期。
3. It cuts both ways.
Cut 本身是「切斷」的意思,ways 指「途徑」。Cut both ways 指的是「一件事情有利也有弊」,有「雙刃劍」的意思。
The higher the interest rate, the greater the financial risk – which, of course, cuts both ways.
4. We are cutting it a bit fine.
Cut it fine意思是「時間掐得太緊」。指一件事情剛好在要求地時間內完成,差一點可能就要來不及,耽誤了。
He left the hotel at 9 a.m., which was cutting it fine for his 9:15 meeting.
Fine 在這裡的意思是「很精細、很窄」,相當於 narrow 或 thin;你也許聽過 a fine line,指的就是兩個事物或者兩種狀態之間細微的界限。
Cut it fine 指「算得就剛好,沒有多留餘地」,英國人愛用的片語,美國人比較愛用 cut it close,意思一樣,close是「接近」。
We'll be cutting it close, but we should get there just before the movie starts.