


James 看到外籍老闆走進辦公室,有件事要向老闆說,外籍老闆神色匆忙,只說了:

"It will keep."

Keep what? James 非常迷惑,老闆要他 keep 什麼啊!這是什麼意思呢?

Keep 這個字很常見,但我們的專欄比較少提到,今天來看看 keep 的道地用法。

 1. It will keep.

Keep 我們最熟悉的意思「保留,保持」,它還可以延伸為「阻礙、耽擱」。在 It will keep 這個句子裡,它的意思就是「耽擱、擱置」。

Whatever your news is, it will keep. 不管你有甚麼消息,等等再說。


A:"I must tell you something." 我得跟你說件事。
B:"Can't it keep? I'm in a hurry!" 能以後再說嗎?我現在趕時間。
A: Sorry to disturb you, but this problem won't keep.

還有一個常見的用法是 "What’s keeping you"

What's keeping you?

這裡的 keep 的意思也是「耽擱」。

He is very late - what's keeping him? 他這麼慢,是甚麼耽擱了他?

2. How are you keeping?

How are you keeping? 是招呼語,問人好不好,相當於 How are you doing?

How's your mother keeping? 你母親近來好嗎?

A:Hi, Mark! How are you keeping? 嗨,Mark,還好嗎?
B:Oh, not so bad. 不錯啊!

3. Mary tends to keep to herself. 

Keep to oneself 是慣用語,指「獨處、不跟人說話」。

My neighbor was an elderly lady who kept to herself.  我的鄰居是一位不怎麼和人說話的年長女士。

I don't see friends very often. I prefer to keep myself to myself. 我不經常見朋友,寧願獨處。



再附上幾個 keep 的道地用法:

• Have a piece of fruit to keep you going. 吃一點水果,不要太餓。

在句子裡,keep 的意思是「(在等待吃飯時)使不至於太餓」

• He's old enough now to earn his keep and stop living off his parents. 他現已長大成人,可以自謀生計而不再依靠父母。

keep 也可以當名詞,在這句中的意思是「生計;生活費用」。

• Schools keep five days a week. 學校每週上五天課。

Keep 也有「上課」的思。

• Where do you keep? 你住在哪兒?

Keep 有「居住」的意思。

We didn’t know where he kept in town. 我們不知道他住在城裡什麼地方。

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