Nudists in Austria are up in arms about plans for a cable car that would pass over a popular beach on the northern edge of Vienna where clothing is optional.
Austria Press Agency on April 21 quoted nudist Barbara Hausjell saying she feared for her privacy if cable car users with cellphone cameras are allowed to swoop across the area.
Project developer Hannes Dejaco sought to reassure nudists, saying the cable cars would only pass over the beach for a short stretch. In addition, the windows could be made to turn opaque automatically.
A promotional video for the cable car project says it would go from the Heiligenstadt transit station across the Danube river and then back over to the Kahlenberg mountain in the north of Vienna. Some 115 gondolas with panoramic windows would offer a “breathtaking view across Vienna.
swoop:動詞,俯衝、猛撲、攫取。例句:The eagle swooped down to catch a rabbit.(老鷹俯衝下來抓一隻兔子。)
panoramic:形容詞,全景的。例句:He used a panoramic camera and long exposures to capture the effects of fading light.(他用全景相機和長時間曝光,來捕捉光線逐漸消失的效果。)