Lots of people think that dogs see in black and white. But this is not true. Scientists recently discovered that dogs do see colors, just not quite the same colors that we do.
When people see a rainbow, they see purple, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, orange, and red. But when dogs see a rainbow, they see gray, blue, gray, yellow-brown, yellow, and yellowbrown. Can you imagine?
Dogs see red and green as a single color (yellow-brown) and also blue-green and purple as a single color (gray). This means that if you buy your dog a bright red toy, it will see it as an ugly yellowish brown.
Why? Well, a human eye has three different types of cells that can detect color. Dogs' eyes, however, have just two. This makes the range of colors that they can pick up much more limited.
這原理是什麼呢? 因為人類眼睛以三種不同的細胞組成來感應色彩,狗狗卻只有兩種細胞,因此狗狗的眼睛能看見的色彩範圍有限。