An orangutan appeared to treat a wound with medicine from a tropical plant— the latest example of how some animals attempt to soothe their own ills with remedies found in the wild, scientists reported Thursday.
Scientists observed Rakus pluck and chew up leaves of a medicinal plant used by people throughout Southeast Asia to treat pain and inflammation. The adult male orangutan then used his fingers to apply the plant juices to an injury on the right cheek. Afterward, he pressed the chewed plant to cover the open wound like a makeshift bandage, according to a new study in Scientific Reports.
Previous research has documented several species of great apes foraging for medicines in forests to heal themselves, but scientists hadn’t yet seen an animal treat itself in this way. (AP)
soothe:動詞,緩和、安慰。例句:例句:My mom made me some tea with honey to soothe my sore throat.(我媽泡了一點蜂蜜茶,讓我舒緩我的喉嚨。)
forage:動詞,翻找、搜尋食物。例句:A homeless man foraged garbage cans for something to eat.(一名流浪漢在垃圾桶裡找東西吃。)