Twenty-three sets of twins have graduated from a Massachusetts middle school, making up about 10% of the eighth-grade class.
The identical and fraternal twins graduated from Pollard Middle School in Needham, Massachusetts, on Wednesday. Another student, who is also a twin, graduated but her brother attends a different school, said principal Tamatha Bibbo.
It’s “quite unusual,” said Bibbo. “We typically have anywhere from five to 10 sets at most. Given our numbers, we have approximately 450 to 500 children in each grade so this was extraordinarily high.”
畢博說,這「相當不尋常」。 「我們通常最多有5到10對。考量到我們的人數,我們每個年級約有450到500名孩子,所以這異常高。」
The school gave a special shout-out to the 23 sets of twins during the so-called “moving up” ceremony on Wednesday, she said. Twins account for around 3% of live births in the U.S., according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
double take:名詞片語,再仔細看一眼、再認真看一下;指該事太特別而一時半會沒反應過來,或是愣了一會兒才恍然大悟。例句:I did a double take - I couldn’t believe it was him.(我一時沒意會過來,簡直不敢相信那是他。)
shout-out:名詞,向某人公開致意、讚美某人。例句:I want to give a shout-out to my dad, who helped me a lot.(我想向我父親致意,他幫了我很多。)