Starbucks Korea to test paper straws-「星巴克」南韓分店將試用紙吸管


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A Second Life for Chewing Gum再給你一次機會!口香糖洗心革面大作戰


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Learning to nap in New York, city that never sleeps-在不夜城紐約學著小睡片刻


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The $3 Billion Plan to Turn Hoover Dam Into a Giant Battery 30億美元胡佛大壩變超大電池


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New Zealand to ban plastic shopping bags from next year 紐西蘭明年起將禁用塑膠購物袋


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Liushishi Mountain: A Magical Mountain for Flowers 披上美麗橘黃色花毯的六十石山


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Scientists claim Viagra could new miracle cure for blindness 科學家宣稱,威而鋼可能是新的失明奇蹟療法


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How a Disappearing Sea Became a Town’s Main Attraction 鹹海消失小鎮成生態危機景點


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Tourists go off the beaten path on North Korea’s sacred volcano/觀光客赴北韓聖山尋幽


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Think You Always Say Thank You? Oh, Please 你可以再多說些謝謝


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