Author MurakamiJoy of writing is to start not knowing end-作家村上春樹:寫作的樂趣在於初下筆時不知道結局


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When Less Is More  少即是多 微型機器人拯救世界


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Scientists create bee vaccine to fight off insect apocalypse 科學家創造蜜蜂疫苗,對抗昆蟲末日


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The Mystery of Antarcticas Blood Falls 南極血瀑布之謎


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Leaving Facebook makes people happier but less informed 離開臉書讓人更開心,但消息較不靈通


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Athletes Don’t Own Their Tattoos. That’s a Problem for Video Game Developers. 刺青著作權歸誰?運動員身上刺青不是自己的


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Thai central bank unveils Central Bank Digital Currency test results 泰國中央銀行揭露「央行數位貨幣」測試成果


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The Leonardo da Vinci of Doodle Art 塗鴉藝術界的達文西


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Koreas 1st artificial rain experiment over the Yellow Sea ends in failure 韓國首次黃海人造雨實驗以失敗作收


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Water Way to Use Less Plastic 響應減塑新妙招


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