Saudi Arabia tests Japan-inspired nap pods for hajj 沙烏地阿拉伯為朝覲試推靈感來自日本的「打盹艙」


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How Long Can We Live? 人類可以多長壽?


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DeepMind created an IQ test for AI, and it didnt do too well DeepMind幫人工智慧做智力測驗,結果差強人意


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Newspapers in New York, Like Their Readers, Are Vanishing 紐約的報紙和讀者一樣,正在消失


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Whats Up for August? The summer Perseids are here! 八月有什麼?夏季「英仙座流星雨」來了!


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何謂全球化?What is Globalization?


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Christmas comes early for London department store-耶誕節提前降臨倫敦百貨公司


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Shifen Waterfall and Old Street 臺灣也有尼加拉瀑布


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Chile enacts historic ban on plastic bags 智利頒佈歷史性的塑膠袋禁用令


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Hunters? Farmers? 銷售員是獵人?還是農夫?


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