Lost in translation: Papua New Guinea wins the language Olympics 譯海茫茫:巴布亞紐幾內亞摘下語言奧林匹克冠軍


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The Three-headed Dog that People Can’t Get Enough of 令人為之瘋狂的三頭犬

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world’s cutest dog,’ dies aged 12 「全世界最可愛的狗」逝世,終年12


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Soaking in the Winter Beauty of Turkey 瑰麗土耳其——冬遊世界遺產奇境


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Beijingers vent their stress in ’anger room’ 北京百姓在「憤怒屋」洩壓


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The Rainbow Mountain of Peru  上帝打翻的調色盤 ── 秘魯彩虹山

by Evan Witkowski

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Street view: Former homeless man leads ’invisible Zagreb’ tour-街頭景象:前街友導覽「看不見的札格雷布」之旅


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Lonely Place Where Stray Dogs Live 孤獨犬之島


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Homeless peoples deaths up 24% over five years in England and Wales 在英格蘭與威爾斯,無家者死亡人數5年間「上升24%


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伊斯蘭教和非洲藝術 The Art of Islam and Africa


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