Dyson: The Dynamic Driver戴森:動力無限的家電界一哥


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BBC women want wide gender pay gap fixed now-性別薪資差距大,英國廣播公司女性員工要求現在解決


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The Avignon Art Festival 流動的藝術饗宴 —— 亞維儂藝術節


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The laziest countries in the world have been revealed 世界最懶惰國家揭曉


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Say It with Sound Waves  甜言蜜語縈繞指尖的繾綣浪漫


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Microsoft Thinks AI Will Fill Your Blind Spots, Not Take Over Your Job-微軟認為人工智慧將填補你的盲點,而非接手你的工作


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The Perfume That Brings Out Your Best-Smelling Self無味香水散發你的獨特味道


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Tiny Star, Smallest Ever Discovered, Could Have Earth-Like Planets 迄今發現最小的超小恆星,可能擁有類似地球的行星


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From the Classroom to the Boardroom 創業不是夢 ── 十四歲少年勇闖職場


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Jobs with highest risk of suicide for men and women revealed 男女性最高自殺風險工作大揭秘


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