Borrowing Your Wardrobe  到時尚圖書館借衣服


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In Zurich, Exploring Art and the Outdoors在蘇黎世,探訪藝術和戶外活動


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Staying a Night in the Eiffel Tower  愛在星光燦爛下 ── 夜宿巴黎鐵塔


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Chickens exhibit Machiavellian tendencies, scientists discover -科學家發現,雞呈現權謀傾向


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Monte Carlo or Bust   蒙地卡羅,非去不可


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The Whole Ancient World in One Place  古今珍寶一把抓 —— 什麼都有的大英博物館


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Cakes and Their Origins 蛋糕名字的由來

Owain Mckimm

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Study suggests globalization makes us fat 研究指出,全球化使我們肥胖


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Buy Big, Spend Small: Treasure Hunting at Costco   花小錢買很大──好市多尋寶去


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New study suggests Facebook break is good for your health 新研究指出,暫停臉書對您的健康有益


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