World could warm by massive 10C if all fossil fuels are burned 化石燃料若全部燃燒 地球恐大幅增溫攝氏10


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Turning Kilometers into Dollars  路跑商機 錢途光明


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ITV to switch off its seven channels for an hour for Olympics event 英國獨立電視台為英國奧運成就暫停旗下頻道播映1小時


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Even if you exercise, too much sitting time is bad 即使您有運動,久坐依然傷身


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Why Chew When You Don't Have To?  徹底顛覆你的飲食概念──液體代餐


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Global scholars gather to celebrate 1650th anniversary of Mogao Grottoes 世界學者齊聚慶祝莫高窟1650週年


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Walls of Kindness   寒冬中的暖心牆


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Six wealthiest countries host less than 9% of worlds refugees 6大富國僅收容全球不到9%難民


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Waste Not, Want Not   珍惜食材零浪費 ── WeFood 剩食超市


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At the Russian Mosquito Festival, the more bites the better


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