McDonald’s worker’s compassionate act moves bystander (and Internet) to tears 麥當勞員工的慈悲之舉令旁觀者(與網友)動容
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I'm Not a Businessman; I'm a Business, Man 商業嘻哈一把抓 —— Jay Z
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Change in sense of humour ’a sign of impending dementia’ 幽默感出現改變是「即將失智的徵兆」
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El Nino worst in over 15 years, severe impact likely:UN 聯合國:15年來最嚴重聖嬰現象,可能造成嚴重衝擊
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The Art of the Elephant Parade 彩繪做慈善 ── 繽紛大象巡展
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Stone-age people were making porridge 32,000 years ago 3萬2000年前石器時代的人類就會煮粥
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The Great American Author 偉大的美國作家 —— 馬克‧吐溫
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MI6 advertises for new intelligence officers on Mumsnet MI6在「媽媽網」登廣告招募新情報員
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Our Great Love of Chocolate 入口即化的甜蜜 —— 濃情巧克力
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