Leaving on a Jet Plane 藍天白雲俱樂部 ── 空服員知多少
Flight attendants have been helping people in the friendly skies for more than 100 years. While most flight attendants are female, the world's first flight attendant was a man named Heinrich Kubis. He worked for the German Zeppelin airline, Schwaben, in 1912. Since then, flight attendants have tended to the many needs of millions of airline passengers.
空服員在高空上親切地服務客人已有一百多年的歷史。雖然女性空服員占了大多數,但世界上第一位空服員卻是一位名叫 Heinrich Kubis 的男性。1912 年,他在德國的士瓦本飛船航空公司工作。從那時起,空服員已照顧到了數百萬名乘客的眾多需求。
The first responsibility of flight attendants is to ensure1 the safety and comfort of the passengers aboard the plane. In addition to that, flight attendants provide drinks, meals, and snacks during the flight. Though this may not sound like a difficult job, many flight attendants spend up to six months in training just to work for an airline. Once their training is completed, flight attendants must show that they can properly assist in emergency situations. A loss of cabin2 pressure, rude passengers, or even a terrorist3 hijacking4 are just a few examples of what flight attendants may have to deal with. The next time a flight attendant is serving a drink, consider that this person is not just waiting on passengers but also keeping the aircraft5 safe.