Cirque du Soleil: A Circus Like No Other  獨一無二的視覺饗宴 —— 太陽劇團


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Holiday spending up 8 percent; online sales surge 假日消費上揚8%;線上購物激增


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Grains of Talent  一沙一世界‧剎那即永恆


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Austrian radio jockey punished for playing Last Christmas 24 times 奧地利電台節目主持人因播放24次「最後的耶誕節」被罰


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Brad Pitt: Actor, Producer, Father, and Humanitarian  不僅僅是 Mr. 萬人迷 ── 布萊德.彼特


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"Trumpkin," the 374-pound pumpkin version of Donald Trump 374磅的唐納.川普版南瓜──「川瓜」


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Coffee as a Work of Art  與神奇『拉花』來一場美麗的邂逅吧!


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Tai Chi could be prescribed for illnesses 太極可能開立為疾病處方


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The Most Ultimate Sport  完美拋物線:飛盤爭奪賽


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Iranians spontaneously create walls of kindness to help the homeless 伊朗人主動打造「仁慈之牆」來幫助遊民


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